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    For more than two decades, Butte Creek salmon numbers have soared, thanks to an innovative, wide-ranging collaboration between landowners, urban and agricultural water managers, conservationists and state and federal officials. This was a groundbreaking effort that helped guide and contribute to a larger, concerted program to enhance our environment by improving spawning and migratory corridors for salmon and reconnecting them to historic floodplains in the region.

    "A revolution in thought
    and practice."


    Thank you to Ken "Creekman" Davis and John Hannon for providing footage for this project.

    California Rice Commission logo

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    A lust for adventure and a passion for non-fiction storytelling led Kit on a long and celebrated career in journalism. From the breakup of the Soviet Union to the first free elections in South Africa to the civil war in Somalia, Kit has traveled Kit Tyler's imagethe world capturing international, national and regional news. His work has appeared onevery commercial television network as well as PBS and an ever-growing list of cable networks.

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